Author Archives: Matthew

Giving and Receiving

Posted ago by Matthew

With Christmas all around us we are inundated with news and information on buying gifts.  But have we lost sight of what it all means? In general people give what they would like to receive, or give what they would …

Failing Forward – John C. Maxwell

Posted ago by Matthew

I recently read this book and it was the first of John Maxwell’s that I read.  I have since read a couple of others of his and will review them too. Firstly the title of this book intrigued me because …

New Habits

Posted ago by Matthew

It’s very easy to live the same way every day and have very little or nothing change. I try to not live my life that way. I was once told that as soon as you stop changing you become old. …

Everlasting Love

Posted ago by Matthew

 Today is eight years since my wife and I were married.  When I think about our relationship and the life we have created together I think of everlasting love. A few weeks ago my oldest daughter (she’s five) asked me …

Man’s Search for Meaning – Dr. Viktor Frankl

Posted ago by Matthew

“We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken …


Posted ago by Matthew

Trust is one of those intangibles that has so much value.  Think of auto brands.  There was a time when General Motors and Ford were the most trusted brands.  Then they fell out of favour and Toyota and other Japanese …

Over-promising to Under-deliver?

Posted ago by Matthew

Websites continue to get more and more sophisiticated and with the booming smart-phone application industry, websites promoting those apps are raising the bar. A new iPhone application for protecting selected information on the iPhoneor iPad is coming in early 2011.  The …

Wellbeing – Tom Rath and Jim Harter

Posted ago by Matthew

Written byTom Rath and Jim Harter “Wellbeing” is the result of Gallup research covering 150 countries, representing 98% of the world’s population. An easy read that will make you re-define your perception of happiness and wellness. From this research, five …


Posted ago by Matthew

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” so the tune goes. It seems that Christmas begins the day after Halloween, with the decorations, the music and all the paraphernalia that goes with it. And certainly it’s a fun time …

Losing My Virginity – Richard Branson (autobiography)

Posted ago by Matthew

“Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa… …