Author Archives: Matthew


Posted ago by Matthew

When I was 27 I lived and travelled around Europe and for a period of over nine months I didn’t sleep in the same bed for more than 3 consecutive days.  My life was packed into two suitcases and the …

The Most Successful Small Business in the World – Michael E. Gerber

Posted ago by Matthew

I recently finished this book, and when you look at the online reviews they are quite mixed.  I actually listened to it on audio-book and it’s read by the author.  It’s got quite a few good ideas in it, however …

Talent Is Overrated – Geoff Colvin

Posted ago by Matthew

In Talent is Overrated, author Geoff Colvin rejects the popular notion that the genius of a Tiger Woods, a Mozart or a Warren Buffett is inborn uniquely to only a few individuals. He cites research that refutes the value of innate …

Are you on track? Ten questions to help you find out…

Posted ago by Matthew

Happy new year! Here are ten questions you can start your year with.  These questions can be used to help you re-focus and set some meaningful goals for 2011. I find it can be helpful to have a few guiding …

Success is…

Posted ago by Matthew

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. – Dale Carnegie

Choosing the Path

Posted ago by Matthew

The path we take in life is just that, it’s a path. Where that path goes is completely up to us. We make the choices and decisions which will guide our life in a certain direction. In fact where we …

Never, never, never give up.

Posted ago by Matthew

“Never, never, never give up.” These are some of my favourite quotes from Sir Winston Churchill.  Churchill, the British Prime Minister during the Second World War, and known as one of Britain’s strongest leaders and greatest orators has left a …

A Fourth Gift

Posted ago by Matthew

So I was discussing my parenting theory from my previous entry with my parents, whom I credit with being solid parental role models. They added a fourth gift that good parents give their children, and that’s a good work ethic. …

Christmas Gifts

Posted ago by Matthew

Merry Christmas! Last night we celebrated Christmas, and I was reflecting on the whole theory of gift giving. With three young children we have gifts to give them, but as I thought about the best gifts I have received in my …

You Only Have Everything To Lose

Posted ago by Matthew

You’re probably wondering what do I mean when I say “You only have everything to lose” and what am I referring to?  I’m referring to your life. You only have everything to lose if you don’t live a fulfilling life. …