Author Archives: Matthew

Who are John Mather, George Smoot, Roger Kornberg…

Posted ago by Matthew

Who are John Mather, George Smoot, Roger Kornberg, Andrew Fire, Craig Mello, Orhan Pamuk, Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank, Edmund Phelps? Anyone? No idea? Not even who one of those people might be? Really? Well, I had no clue either, sadly. …

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Posted ago by Matthew

The first book that started me on my current journey of self-examination and exploration is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It’s quite a heavy book, rich with thought provoking ideas and concepts and the basis for a lot …

Goals for 2007

Posted ago by Matthew

It seems that the first of January is the most common time to set goals. At least that gets people thinking about their goals once a year, if only that rarely. I’m in the minority who thinks about goals often, …


Posted ago by Matthew

I’ve been thinking over the past few days as we’ve approached Christmas about the value of money, and the value we have decided to place on certain goods and services. For example we’ve decided that an old car like this …

Christmas Time

Posted ago by Matthew

It’s Christmas time and every year the consumerism that is Christmas makes me more and more sick. Everywhere you turn there are more commercials for buying presents, justifying hundreds of dollars to be spent on “your loved one”. And this …

No regrets…

Posted ago by Matthew

I am a firm believer in no regrets, and that there are no such things as mistakes, only undesired outcomes to situations, which become learning experiences. Often we learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. I …

Live Each Day Like It's Your Last

Posted ago by Matthew

It’s funny you know, it doesn’t matter what I read the theme is always the same. Complete happiness come from living in the now… staying in the present. Most of us spend our whole lives living in the future or …

Worthy of Receiving

Posted ago by Matthew

Christmas is only just around the corner and we’ve been conditioned since childhood to expect stuff. We get ourselves into a panic to buy presents for our friends and loved ones, and put in our requests for what we want. …

We affect others

Posted ago by Matthew

Today I received an email from a friend of mine in Australia, someone I did catch up with on my recent trip. It was flattering because she commented how she thinks of me often and doesn’t miss me as much …

Divine Guidance – Doreen Virtue

Posted ago by Matthew

I’m always reading books these days, which is very funny if you could listen to me talk up to the age of about 25. I used to hate reading. In fact I chose my university degree and my subjects in …