Author Archives: Matthew

More on Perspectives

Posted ago by Matthew

I thought more about perspectives since entering yesterday’s blog, and I realised how my perspective is quite different to most people’s. This is mainly because I have travelled to many countries (31) and lived in four – Australia, Germany, England, …


Posted ago by Matthew

We live in a world with many where there seem to be many “truths” and absolutes. It’s wrong to steal. Giving is good. Drugs are bad. But these and all the other “rules” we live our lives by are not …

A person who never made a mistake…

Posted ago by Matthew

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ” – Albert Einstein


Posted ago by Matthew

The path we take in life is just that, it’s a path. Where that path goes is completely up to us. We make the choices and decisions which will guide our life in a certain direction. In fact where we …

The Fear of Change

Posted ago by Matthew

Why is it that people stay in situations that are unsatisfactory? Why do people remain in abusive relationships? Why do people continue in jobs that are unsatisfying? The answer is simple… the fear of change. It seems counter-intuitive when you …

Keeping Up With The Joneses

Posted ago by Matthew

After the Second World War the economies of the world shifted into overdrive and the industrial age, combined with mass marketing and increased wealth meant that it was possible for the Joneses, a mythical middle-class family to have more stuff …


Posted ago by Matthew

6:42am the alarm cuts through the air with its menacing beep. I hit the blue button and it stops. At precisely 6:48am the alarm sounds again loud enough it seems to wake up the neighbourhood. Silenced again by the blue …

Any intelligent fool…

Posted ago by Matthew

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ” – Albert Einstein

Jack of Clubs

Posted ago by Matthew

Take a moment to imagine you are in the audience at a small, intimate theatre, watching a magic show. The magician hands a deck of cards to a random member of the audience, asks her to check that it’s an …

World Peace

Posted ago by Matthew

World Peace seems like the impossible dream. It doesn’t seem to matter who is driving the cause or how much money is put behind it, attempts at world peace all seem to fail somewhere along the line. That’s not to …