Author Archives: Matthew

Passion Test

Posted ago by Matthew

Last night I finished doing a passion test. It’s easy enough to do for yourself and it’s interesting becasue it gets you thinking about exactly what it is you love to do. Simply write your passions on individual 3×5 cards …

No Guarantees

Posted ago by Matthew

Larry Iwan was a gentleman I worked with for almost three years. I haven’t actually seen him since my last day at that company just over a year ago. He retired last Friday apparently in good health and died on …

Left To Tell – Immaculee Ilibagiza

Posted ago by Matthew

The other day I saw a program with Wayne Dyer.  He was talking to a live audience on the theme of Inspiration and about some of the people who inspire him, one of them being Immaculee Ilibigiza.  Hers is a chilling, …

Why I Don’t Watch Television

Posted ago by Matthew

There’s not much on television these days that is uplifting. You only have to flick on the six o’clock news to see disaster after tragedy after drama. And the odd thing about it is that we have trained people who …

Another Question of God

Posted ago by Matthew

The other day I had a very interesting conversation with my wife about all of this stuff I’m going through, and my sometimes harsh opinions on organized religion. My view on organized religion is that the churches add in a …

The Question of God

Posted ago by Matthew

I had a very interesting conversation about God a while ago with friends, about whom I didn’t know their stance on the matter. As it turns out the female in the couple, J., is a believing Catholic, who prays daily, …

704.9 Million CRT Televisions

Posted ago by Matthew

704.9 million — That’s how many cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions have been sold just in the USA since 1980, according to the EPA. 42.4% — How many of those TVs are estimated to still be in use. 23.9 million …

Status Symbols

Posted ago by Matthew

Oprah Winfrey’s “Big Give” has just finished playing on television. For those who never watched it or saw the promotions for it, Oprah had a number of contestants on the program giving to people in need each week. The person …

For friends…

Posted ago by Matthew

On Sunday I spent 9 hours at a friend’s place painting this mural on their two-year-old son’s bedroom wall. They’re expecting a second child in a few months and their son is moving into this room to make way for …

Let it snow!

Posted ago by Matthew

Spending some Christmas time up in Edmonton, Alberta with the family and it’s been snowing quite a bit. As a driver I find the snow inconvenient as it makes the roads slippery and less safe. With the snow comes cold …