Author Archives: Matthew

Susan Boyle

Posted ago by Matthew

For those of you who haven’t seen the video of Susan Boyle singing “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables, it’s worth taking a look. Similar to the story of Paul Potts a little while ago, here is an unknown …

The Running Man

Posted ago by Matthew

It’s amazing what happens when you set yourself a goal and commit to it. About 10 weeks ago I committed to running the Calgary half-marathon on May 31st. It’s been 10 years since I last ran further than a couple …

The Boxer

Posted ago by Matthew

He must preserve himself. He must dodge the punches. He cannot win by dodging alone. He himself must punch. The boxer who never enters the ring never holds the title belt. The commentator is a glorified spectator. The spectator goes …

Poor Zebra

Posted ago by Matthew

The Zebra has stripes Black and white Which are they? Black or white? Is he striped to the bone? What colour is his meat? Is it all on the surface? From his head to his feet? Or from his brain …

My effort. My results.

Posted ago by Matthew

5:30pm May, 1989. We had just finished dinner and my father says to me, “Matthew we need to chat about your report card.” “Yes Dad.” I knew it wasn’t going to be a good chat. I hadn’t seen my report …

Don’t Criticise and Complain

Posted ago by Matthew

The first principle from Dale Carnegie is “Don’t criticise, condemn or complain.” It’s interesting when you focus on this, how difficult this can be. It seems, as a species, we default to criticism.  I think of myself as a generally …

My First Run.

Posted ago by Matthew

I’ve just come back from my first “long run” as part of my training for the half-marathon (21.1km) at the end of May. Now it’s not that long, but I have to start somewhere. Harold and I went for a …

Setting the Goal

Posted ago by Matthew

Today I registered for the Calgary Half Marathon on May 31st. I’m registering because it’s part of my commitment to taking my fitness to the next level and challenging myself. I’ve never really considered myself a runner and so this …

The Businessman

Posted ago by Matthew

The businessman is tall and thin With a moustache and a grin. He has lots of money To spend on his honey. He blows it on coke Drags on a smoke. It all looks so ideal The real meal deal, …

It's my birthday…

Posted ago by Matthew

Each year we celebrate that we lapped the sun. And I did it again. Hurray for me! I’m taking the day off.