Author Archives: Matthew

Soichiro Honda

Posted ago by Matthew

Historically people who have obtained tremendous success have been single-minded in their focus and determination to make their dreams come to fruition. The story of the Honda motorbike and Mister Soichiro Honda is about following through on a dream. Soichiro …

Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve…

Posted ago by Matthew

We live in a world of “shoulds”. And why? A “should” is something you can never do anything about now. A “should” refers to a time in the past, which we can no longer be at. For example… “You should …


Posted ago by Matthew

One of my new year’s resolutions was to read books I have on my shelf that somehow remain unread. It’s part of my de-cluttering and simplifying of my life. I have just finished Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young …

Florence Chadwick

Posted ago by Matthew

Florence May Chadwick was born November 9, 1918 and died March 15, 1995. She was an American swimmer who was the first woman ever to cross the English Channel both ways. On August 8, 1950, she crossed the English Channel …


Posted ago by Matthew

At the beginning of the year so many people make resolutions… to lose weight, to get fit, to change jobs, to find a partner. It’s why gyms across the city are packed with people in January and February on a …

My basic principle is..

Posted ago by Matthew

My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are cheap; you make them because they’re right. – Theodore Hesburgh It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. – Roy Disney Any fool …


Posted ago by Matthew

A number of years ago there was a Nike commercial on television with Michael Jordan. As he walked through a dimly-lit corridor, Jordan’s voice comes on: I’ve missed over nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost almost three hundred …


Posted ago by Matthew

The race was run. I made it! Training since February 1st for this day, and now I’m stiff and sore. I finished in an official time of 2 hours 4 minutes exactly. That placed me 1,392nd in a field of …

The Runner

Posted ago by Matthew

The runner runs. He runs and runs. Runs and runs. And runs some more. Then he keeps running. Runs and runs. He stops. The race is not over. There is no race. He has not won. He will never win. …

The Secret

Posted ago by Matthew

I’m sure many of you had seen the movie or read the book “The Secret”. It’s a very well marketed concept, but the interesting thing is that nothing in there is really revolutionary, and neither does it claim to be. …