Author Archives: Matthew

Savour the Journey

Posted ago by Matthew

A couple of weeks ago I had a dream that has really stuck in my mind, and it’s importance was brought back to me on monday at my meditation group. In our group R. made the comment that he wishes …

Living Every Minute

Posted ago by Matthew

Having now returned from Australia, the primary reason for making the trip at the time we did was to see my grandfather for the last time, and for him to meet our daughter. I say “last time” with some sureness …

Never too old to find your purpose…

Posted ago by Matthew

When Harland was six, his father died and his mother was forced to go to work. He had to take care of his three-year-old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking, giving him the opportunity …

Preconceived Ideas About Work

Posted ago by Matthew

I’m in Australia right now, and I’ve had some interesting conversations with people I don’t get the opportunity to chat with often… and the great part about that is I get new views on life, and I can learn from …

That urge for change…

Posted ago by Matthew

In talking with a friend of mine yesterday, I realize exactly why I, and so many of my friend are going through this mini-life-crisis around the age of thirty. In your twenties it’s all about getting stuff… The degreeThe job …

Seven Essential Qualities of a Friend

Posted ago by Matthew

I have been asked by a few people to discuss my seven essential qualities for a partner and even for a friend. These seven don’t have anything to do with interests, appearance, wealth, sense of humour etc. All of those …


Posted ago by Matthew

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, but as an Australian this doesn’t have any real significance for me, as it’s not a holiday we celebrate. Having said that, being thankful is something that more of us should practice more often. As …

Right and Wrong… Good and Bad.

Posted ago by Matthew

In this world of rules, ethics and morals we are constantly bombarded with opinions and thoughts on what is good and what is bad, what is right or wrong, what is positive and negative. But is it? Who decided that …

The Journey… and being left behind.

Posted ago by Matthew

With all the changes happening in my life, the potential arises for worry that loved ones and friends may not be on the same journey and may feel as though they are being left behind. Could this happen? I guess …

Seeing My Spirit Guide

Posted ago by Matthew

While I was in with the psychic she talked about the fact that I may have been seeing angels, and spirits etc, but not known what I was seeing and therefore dismissed it as something else. Like a dentist can …