Author Archives: Matthew

Christmas Party

Posted ago by Matthew

A great time was had by all last night at the Dale Carnegie Christmas Party, held at the Ranchmen’s Club in downtown Calgary. I love it when I’ve an opportunity to put the old penguin suit on again!

Business Bibles

Posted ago by Matthew

I enjoy reading and getting recommendations of good business books to read.  I thought this was a useful list.  This is an article from Sean Wise.  Sean Wise is the Globe & Mail’s monthly entrepreneurship and venture capital columnist. Business …

I am Canadian!

Posted ago by Matthew

At around 11:30am on September 21st, 2007, I officially became a Canadian citizen! Hurray!

The Greatest Lesson of All

Posted ago by Matthew

So often these days people rate their level of success by a few key criteria – job position, annual income, size of house, location of house, size of television, value of car(s) etc. Success for many is represented by what …

A New Addition

Posted ago by Matthew

At 9:11pm on September 2nd, Delilah Ieva came into this world, our second daughter. She weighed in at 8lbs 3/4 oz and measured 21 inches long. She’s happy and healthy and we’re all getting on well as a slightly larger …

Tiger Woods

Posted ago by Matthew

This weekend Tiger Woods completed his fourth victory at the PGA Championship, his 13th Major, and his 59th victory on the PGA Tour. The big thing is that it’s his 13th Major title in his chase of Jack Nicklaus’ record …

Change of Direction

Posted ago by Matthew

This morning I handed in my resignation without any firm plans of where I’ll be off to next… except to take seven weeks off to spend it with my wife and daughter, my parents who are coming up from Australia …

Taking A Risk

Posted ago by Matthew

As a thirty-something Generation X’er, I am surrounded with friends who are in the midst of early-life crises. It seemed that for the Baby Boomers this crisis was “mid-life” in the forty to fifty age range. Now it seems to …

An Inspiration

Posted ago by Matthew

On this day, the second day of June 2007, it is my father’s 60th birthday. Other than being a great Dad and role model over the last three decades, he has recently made a change in his life which is …

Spiritual peace.

Posted ago by Matthew

It occurred to me as I was walking around the campus of the George Washington University on our recent trip to DC, that as a species, humans spend a lot of time and energy studying ourselves. Relating to health, body …